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The SLEEP command in DiceDB is used to pause the execution of the current client connection for a specified number of seconds. This command is primarily useful for testing purposes, such as simulating network latency or delaying operations to observe the behavior of other commands in a controlled environment.



SLEEP seconds


  • seconds: (Required) A floating-point number representing the number of seconds to sleep. This value can be an integer or a decimal, allowing for sub-second precision.

Return Value

The SLEEP command returns a simple string reply of “OK” after the specified sleep duration has elapsed.


When the SLEEP command is executed, the following behavior is observed:

  1. The client connection that issued the SLEEP command will be paused for the specified duration.
  2. During this sleep period, the client will not be able to send or receive any other commands.
  3. Other clients connected to the DiceDB server will not be affected and can continue to execute commands normally.
  4. After the sleep duration has elapsed, the client will receive an “OK” response and can resume normal operations.

Error Handling

The SLEEP command can raise errors under the following conditions:

  1. Invalid Number of Arguments:

    • Error Message: ERR wrong number of arguments for 'sleep' command
    • Condition: This error occurs if the SLEEP command is called without the required seconds parameter or with more than one parameter.
  2. Invalid Parameter Type:

    • Error Message: ERR value is not a valid float
    • Condition: This error occurs if the seconds parameter is not a valid floating-point number.

Example Usage

Example 1: Basic Usage

Pause the client for 5 seconds.

Terminal window> SLEEP 5

Example 2: Sub-second Precision

Pause the client for 1.5 seconds.

Terminal window> SLEEP 1.5

Example 3: Error Handling - Missing Parameter

Attempt to call SLEEP without specifying the seconds parameter.

Terminal window> SLEEP
(error) ERR wrong number of arguments for 'sleep' command

Example 4: Error Handling - Invalid Parameter Type

Attempt to call SLEEP with a non-numeric parameter.

Terminal window> SLEEP abc
(error) ERR value is not a valid float


  • The SLEEP command is a blocking operation for the client that issues it. It does not affect the server’s ability to handle other clients.
  • This command is useful for testing and debugging purposes but should be used with caution in production environments to avoid unintended delays.