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The PING command in DiceDB is used to test the connection between the client and the DiceDB server. It’s a crucial command for ensuring that the DiceDB server is reachable and functional. It is often utilized to check the health of the server and ensure that it is responsive.


The PING command can optionally take a single argument which is a string.

  • message: Optional. A string that you want the DiceDB server to return as a response. If a message is provided, the DiceDB server will respond with the same message.


The basic syntax of the PING command is as follows:

PING [message]
  • If [message] is provided, it will be echoed back in the response.
  • If [message] is not provided, default response is PONG.

Return Value

The return value varies based on the presence of the optional [message] parameter.

  • No message provided: If no message is provided, PING will return a simple string reply PONG.
  • Message provided: If a message is provided, PING will return a simple string that echoes the given message.

Example Usage

Example 1: Pinging the server without a message

Terminal window> PING

Example 2: Pinging the server with a message

Terminal window> PING "Hello, DiceDB!"
"Hello, DiceDB!"


When the PING command is fired:

  1. If no message is given, it sends back a PONG.
  2. If a message is provided, it sends back the same message in the response.

This helps clients determine if the server is up and responsive. Essentially, it acts as a keep-alive or heartbeat mechanism for clients to validate their connection with the DiceDB server.

Error Handling

Potential Errors

  1. Syntax Error: If the syntax is incorrect, such as including unexpected additional parameters, an error will be raised:

    • Error message: (error) ERR wrong number of arguments for 'ping' command
    • Scenario: If more than one argument is provided.
    Terminal window
    > PING "Message 1" "Message 2"
    (error) ERR wrong number of arguments for 'ping' command
  2. Data Type Error: If the argument provided is not a string (for example, if a list or other data type is provided), a type error will be raised.

    • Error message: This specific type of error handling is internal, and improper types are generally implicitly converted or rejected by the protocol, raising basic syntax errors or allowing them based on DiceDB’ internal type coercion rules.

Additional Notes

  • The PING command works similarly in both standalone and clustered DiceDB environments.
  • It is typically sent periodically by clients to ensure the connection is still active.
  • The PING command does not modify the data within the DiceDB server or affect any ongoing transactions.